1. Minimum charge for NT$300 per guest2. Dining limit for 1.5 hours3. All seats are secured for 10 minutes of tardy4. A notice in advance is appreciated if there is any food allergic5. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance6. All outside food and beverages are not allowed7. Payment: Cash, Credit card, Apple Pay
elementi | 根元咖啡館elementi 根元咖啡館座落於迪化街, 彷彿是一座時光隧道,帶您回到1920年代,與台洋庭園交相輝映。菜單以自然健康五元素為靈感,義式大稻埕早午餐包括手工麵包、新鮮蔬果、天然橄欖油、美味起司乳酪以及豐富的蛋白質。搭配上義大利葡萄酒、咖啡茶飲以及手工甜點,完美詮釋台灣與義大利待客情誼與烹飪藝術的共同熱情。無論是獨自沉浸美食,還是與摯愛共享浪漫時光,甚或與友好歡聚其樂融融,elementi 都將成為您在大稻埕珍貴時刻的記憶。elementi Italian Delielementi is located on Dihua Street, resembling a tunnel of time that transports you back to the 1920s, harmonizing with the Taiwanese-European garden.Inspired by the five elements of nature, Italian Dadaocheng brunch features handcrafted bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, natural olive oil, delightful cheeses, and abundant proteins. Paired with Italian wines, coffee and tea, as well as desserts, it perfectly embodies the shared passion for hospitality and culinary arts between Taiwan and Italy.Whether indulging in the pleasures of food alone, sharing romantic moments with a loved one, or gathering joyously with friends, elementi will become a cherished memory of precious moments in Dadaocheng.訂位相關注意事項-禁帶外食,最後點餐時間至17:30-咖啡廳全面禁菸,包含天井花園-依現場人員安排入席,恕無法指定座位-限時規定:平日不限時 | 假日限時1.5小時,訂位僅保留10分鐘-線上訂位上限4人,4人以上訂位請來電詢問,將依現場訂位情況安排-每人低消為「一杯飲品或一份餐點」無法以其他商品替代-現場禁止商業及任何影響其他用餐客人之拍攝行為-身高120公分以下孩童不列入低消計算-可攜帶小型寵物不落地,須放置於寵物提袋或推車內-如自行攜帶酒類,葡萄酒開瓶費 $300/瓶 | 烈酒開瓶費 $600/瓶-活動場地租借請來信 ask@elementi.tw-如遇不可抗因素,elementi保有取消或變更訂位之權利//部分座位僅保留現場客人,因此如欲該時段訂位已滿,建議可選擇直接前來現場//
【Opening Hours】Mon-Sun 9:00~20:30Last order:20:30【Reservation Notice】Minimum charge is one drink exclusive of food.We have a 1.5 hour rule.Subject to 10% service charge.We will hold the reservation for 10 minutes if you're late.