Takato – a Japanese-Korean fusion restaurant led by local celebrity Chef Taka."Takato brings unparalleled Japanese and Korean fusion to Fort Lauderdale. The oceanfront sanctuary located at Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach delicately blends the beloved soul of Executive Chef Taek Lee's ancestry and takes you on a culinary journey through his Asian heritage that is bursting with creativity, authentic flavors and extraordinary culinary techniques."
Step into Sushi By Bou Fort Lauderdale, our one-of-a-kind Disco Sushi Omakase Experience. Our curated Omakase, meaning "Chef's Choice," promises an exhilarating journey through delectable flavors and disco beats. Choose from our signature 12-course offering at $65, or indulge in the opulent 'Bougie' Omakase, $125 for 17 pieces, seated hourly. Located within Salt7 our Las Olas Bou, delivers the beats of 80s disco set in a visual wonderland of pop-culture iconography. Elevate your experience with exotic cocktails and premium sake, perfect for sushi pairing. Date Nights, Birthdays, or intimate private seatings, let us whisk you away on a journey of urban mystique. Visit all of our unique locations, each with its own culture-inspired vibe! Reserve now to secure a coveted seat at Sushi By Bou.
Step into Sushi By Bou Fort Lauderdale, our one-of-a-kind Disco Sushi Omakase Experience. Our curated Omakase, meaning "Chef's Choice," promises an exhilarating journey through delectable flavors and disco beats. Choose from our classic 12-course offering at $65, or indulge in the opulent 'Bougie' Omakase, $125 for 17 pieces, seated hourly. Located within Salt7 our Las Olas Bou, delivers the beats of 80s disco set in a visual wonderland of pop-culture iconography. Elevate your experience with exotic cocktails and premium sake, perfect for sushi pairing. Date Nights, Birthdays, or intimate private seatings, let us whisk you away on a journey of urban mystique. Visit all of our unique locations, each with its own culture-inspired vibe! Reserve now to secure a coveted seat at Sushi By Bou.
ETARU, a restaurant featuring contemporary Japanese Robatayaki cuisine.
ETARU Restaurant. Bar. Beach club. Welcoming diners with a menu and vibe that embraces its waterfront setting. In a stunning multi-functional space steps away from the sand, the restaurant will evolve throughout the day and night.
Welcome to Naori! Your nikkei experience starts here. Where Japanese cuisine meets vibrant Peruvian flavors for a unique dining momentum. Our chefs specialize in both Nikkei and Peruvian cuisine but also blend these culinary traditions to create innovative and delicious dishes. Whether you're a nikkei lover or a fan of Peruvian cuisine, these styles will tantalize your taste buds with every bite.