Amidst the mountainous region of Hokkaido lies the city of Sapporo. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and sea, the city is famous for its culinary scene, brewing beer and fresh seafood. Taking these elements as inspiration, Sapporo is a vibrant casual restaurant that embodies the urban spirit of the city while offering fresh options to create an authentic menu of delicious tasting sushi, teppanyaki dishes and many more. As guests walk into this venue they discover an active restaurant fueled by a live DJ performance, a buzzing bar and its signature teppanyaki tables creating the perfect place for social nights with family and friends.
Gaze out at panoramic Nile views while you explore the best of exotic Asian cuisine – Cantonese, Indian, Japanese and Thai – at our contemporary restaurant and lounge on the First Nile Boat.
Settle in. The cozy lounge areas in our rooftop hideaway invite you to linger and share a handpicked selection of tapas and specialty cocktails with friends.
The subtle flavors of Japanese cuisine have been mastered at Shogun, as well as the fine art of presentation. Take a seat at the bar to enjoy the best sushi in town, or join a live cooking table to watch expert chefs chop, sizzle and serve the freshest Teppanyaki dishes straight onto your plate.