【訂位須知】-Impromptu by Paul Lee提供主廚即興無菜單料理$NT3980/位,酒水及服務費另計,為呈現當季菜單最完整風味,食材僅針對過敏源或宗教信仰飲食需求進行菜色更換,敬請尊重主廚原創精神,恕不接受喜好調整。-餐廳每月一號透過電話及E-mail,開放兩個月後訂位(8/1開放至10/31前的訂位,9/1開放至11/30前的訂位),In-line訂位開放一個月內訂位(8/1開放至8/30)。-食材必須提前準備,恕不接受現場臨時增加人數,若有任何變更,請提前與餐廳聯繫。-訂位成功系統將寄送通知簡訊,請於三天內完成綁定信用卡,綁定成功不會扣款僅作為訂位保證,超過三天未完成綁定,餐廳將有權取消預訂。-訂位取消或更改日期請於訂位日八天前告知,如在七天內取消,餐廳將收取消費為訂位人數之當季套餐價格(不含服務費)。-餐廳僅供應晚餐時段,每週一公休,營業日14:00-17:00接受電話預訂。-餐廳為開放式廚房,客席設有板前及桌子座位,系統將隨機安排空位,恕不接待六歲以下孩童,若有年長者或特殊座位要求,請主動與我們聯繫告知。-為確保用餐品質與體驗,餐廳待賓客到齊後開始準備餐點,敬請準時入席,遲到入場將會影響用餐節奏。-用餐時間為2個半小時至3個小時,請預留充分時間享用餐點。【用餐注意事項】-用餐服裝請參考:女士:避免人字拖鞋男士:避免拖鞋及露趾涼鞋-餐廳空間有限,恕不接待寵物入場。-生日及週年慶祝活動,請於訂位三天前告知。【自備酒水注意事項】自備葡萄酒每瓶(750ml)酒水服務費$NT500,1.5L葡萄酒或1L烈酒每瓶酒水服務費$NT1000。-為提供最好的用餐體驗,請詳閱上述訂位說明,謝謝您的配合與體諒並期待與您相見。-如有其他問題,歡迎透過或電話與我們聯繫。
***Attention***We close for lunch on 27th Nov. A dinner buyout on 10th Jan. we don't open to public.Due to our limited lobsters everyday, please reserve in the comments at least 3 days in advance when making the reservation, otherwise we can not guarantee availability.Our Burgers are also limited daily, but are not available to be reserved, please kindly ask our staff while ordering to check.Booking time for Lunch: 11:30-14:00 (14:30 Last Call)Booking time for Dinner: 17:30-20:30 (21:00 Last Call)Our dinner service is organized in two seatings.First Seating:17:30. 18:00. 18:30 booking, dining time will be 2 hours until 19:30. 20:00. 20:30.Second Seating: 20:00 or 20:30, no time limit.For the guests who book on 11:30 or 12:00 for lunch, dining time will also be 2 hours until 13:30 or 14:00.*Please book seats for kids, but baby chairs are not available
All day breakfast and brunch menu is served here. From sunrise to sunset. ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant is an international sourced, casual cafe restaurant in Taipei Performing Art Center designed by architect Rem Koolhaas. ACME means ”the best”. At here, we believe brunch and good coffee make your life a better one!完整的ACME早午餐體驗,從法式炒蛋到經典法式吐司,從日出到日落。可以選擇搭配義式濃縮,或是精選的自然葡萄酒,帶大家穿越地域隔閡,享受純正的歐式早午餐。acmetaipei.com*Online reservations are open for the next 7 days at 00:00 every day.*For reservations more than 7 people, please call +886-2-66177575 to inquire. It will be arranged according to on-site reservations. -Your reservation will be hold for 10 minutes, we will cancel the reservation without contact if you don’t show up.-Minimum order of NTD $500 / person, plus 10% service charge-Dining time 2 hours-Corkage fee NTD $600 /bottle(wine) NTD $1000 /bottle(spirits)-Non-smoking area include indoor area and terrace-No outside food or drinks-Last order 1 hour before closing-Commercial activities are prohibited -For event inquiry please email hello@acmegroup.tw-We reserve the right to cancel or modify your reservation due to the unexpected reasons