Beste fine dining-restaurants in Da'an District
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18 restaurants beschikbaar in de buurt
For providing better service, we have compiled following information for your reference. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.We hope to see you soon!- Reservations can be made by online or by phone call (02)2755529.- We take reservations up to 14 days in advance.- We'll hold your table for 10 minutes, in case you arrive late.- Minimum order is a dish per person.- Corkage Charge:- WINE: 500 NTD per bottle. - SPIRITS:1000 NTD per bottle.- Buy out, rent out, catering, cooperation… or any other special requests, please feel free to contact us by phone call or email.- Opening Hours:17:30-22:30 (last order at 21:30)- Address:No. 14, Aly. 6, Ln. 170, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd; Xinyi Dist; Taipei City - Gastronomy&DraftThe name of the restaurant is inspired by the concept of gastronomy and art. Named after the word museum from Esperanto.Positioning Gastronomy & Draft, “Bistronomy” is combining Bisrto and Gastronomy. Its attribute is between traditional bistro and an upscale restaurant. “Draft” means taking liquor from the wine barrel by 手壓唧筒. It serves not only the beers in the market also red / white wine and self-made cocktail.For Muzeo, every dish we present it’s like artwork, everyone who participated in are artists. The dinning plates represent the artist’s canvases, where chefs can creatively express their culinary ideas without any limitations on ingredients and cooking techniques, the goal is to give people the best tasting experience. Based on solid fine dining training techniques, team Muzeo combines local ingredients with European cooking styles, presenting reasonable modernized Taiwan Tapas on the table.
{ 游壽司-訂位公告 }🔺用餐方式(只有吧台)握壽司定食$520散壽司定食$580綜合定食$540晚上配菜(Omakase)平均價位$3,000上下(當天搭配的食材計價)本店酌收10%服務費*訂位保留10分鐘*遲到視同取消*本餐廳以生食為主*如有小朋友請在留言處告知幾歲*不收美國運通卡*只接受三周內的訂位*每週一固定公休*自帶酒水收洗杯費$50/杯子(可抵店內酒水)*中午用餐以 [午餐定食] 爲主 如需調整 [配菜Omakase] 的用餐方式 或10人以上及包場 請透過電話☎️02-2391-9298 於營業日10:00-15:30/17:00-21:30之間來電詢問 上述狀況,不接受網路訂位,敬請見諒*由於座位及食材已提前為您 保留及安排如有任何異動,請提前來電通知*訂位成功後,您將收到”簡訊通知” 訂位前1天會再次收到簡訊 簡訊內附連結,請點選連結,確認訂位或取消訂位 沒有回覆,訂位將會自動取消🔺取消費用的產生🟢1人以上(包含1人)未出席用餐當天聯繫不到,也未來電取消將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人🟢6人以上(包含6人)🔸須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$300/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1500/人🔸用餐日取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人🟢包場🔸須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$300/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1500/人🔸用餐日取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人*如您是透過網路訂位 有任何問題 請撥電話到店內更改 避免「取消費用」的產生
「BeOne 餐酒沙龍」在小巨蛋八德路人文匯集的臺北藝文地標「城市舞台」B1樓層佔地100余坪的獨立空間,共有80席座位,融合台灣多元文化與法式精緻料理的Fine-Casual Dining,亞洲五十大酒吧「Induge」團隊進駐,打造專屬BeOne的「平民國宴」#BeOne 融合餐、酒、藝文相關產業的跨界場域,打造對藝文、創新最友善的高質感空間。首季菜單由頂級法餐雙主廚Adam & Eric聯袂操刀,透過「臺魂西作」,以法式精緻手法的深度重新詮釋經典台灣味的廣度,如白菜滷、豬腳飯、蚵仔煎等,將過往的經驗、記憶重新轉譯,搭配致敬台灣多元文化的21杯調酒,轉譯台灣味蕾於全球語言。BeOne以開創臺灣首家Fine-Casual Dining為己任,融合法式精緻、美式鬆弛與臺灣靈魂,為繁忙的都市打造一個輕鬆且自在的藝文餐酒空間,期待成為臺北複合文化商業的新潮流地標。**即日起至2024/10/31,若小點、前菜、主食、主菜、甜點均任選擇一即贈送價值$280元的汲飲調酒一杯
**BeOne 保有最終解釋權及終止更改活動之權利║ 營業時間 ║
(沿城市舞台戶外觀光電梯或廣場樓梯下樓,即可達BeOne 餐酒沙龍入口)║ 餐酒供應時段 ║* 週三~週五
全時段供應* 週六、週日
宵夜:21:30~00:00 (最後加點時間23:30)>> 17:00~18:00廚房休息時間,不供應餐點
11:00~16:00 僅供應汲飲調酒、紅白酒、啤酒║ 消費須知 ║* 用餐時間限時2.5小時,後續無其他訂位無用餐時間限制* 每人低消$500元/人(服務費另計)* 賓客如欲自備酒水,我們將酌收洗杯費(含醒酒器)NT$200/杯+10%,每桌最多可攜帶四瓶酒。* 因冰箱空間有限,恕無法提供冷藏冷凍寄放服務║ 訂位須知 ║* 可接受60天內線上訂位* 6人以上或特殊訂位需求,煩請來電聯繫餐廳,或是Email至,我們將由專人為您服務* 如有任何飲食禁忌,請於訂位或點餐時提前告知* 素食需求的貴賓需提前5天訂位,並註明需求,我們可提供4道鹹食 + 1道甜點 $1680+10%的蛋奶素單人套餐* 本餐廳為親子友善餐廳,設置尿布檯並提供兒童安全座椅,供有更換尿布需求者使用* 本餐廳為寵物友善餐廳,如欲攜帶寵物至餐廳用餐,請提前告知,並請使用寵物推車或寵物提籃,且須避免寵物露出* 若有任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先與餐廳聯繫,由專人協助溝通與安排,以避免影響其他客人用餐* 訂位僅保留15分鐘,逾時視同放棄訂位,不另外以電話通知* 若需取消或更改訂位,請提前來電告知* 若線上訂位已滿,可以來電詢問或安排候補位【包廂訂位】* 餐廳提供1間20人的B1輕布幕包廂,低消為NT$10,000+10%,低消可全額抵餐食酒水費用,如需客製化套餐,請提前告知,我們將盡力為您妥善安排。* 餐廳提供1間10人的B2獨立包廂,低消為NT$10,000+10%,低消可全額抵餐食酒水費用,如需客製化套餐,請提前告知,我們將盡力為您妥善安排。* 預訂包廂,需信用卡綁定預付訂金NT$4,000。【特殊包場與場地使用費】
可提供B2樓層 50坪獨立空間的包場服務,全棟費用另計
* 週三~週日 白天時段(12:00-17:00)$60,000 +10%
* 週三~週日 晚上時段(18:00-23:00)$80,000 +10%
以上金額可做餐飲折抵並可有菜單及雞尾酒客製化貴賓服務非營業時段對外場地使用租金為每半小時NT $3,000人力需求另計
如有包場需求等,請歡迎來電業務發展部0908-888-414詳談合作║ 注意事項 ║
⚠️ 餐廳內禁止吸菸(包含電子菸)
⚠️ 禁帶外食,包含各式軟性飲料、啤酒⚠️ 喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒
⚠️ 理性飲酒, 若吐在坐式馬桶、垃圾袋以外的地方,因此造成環境髒亂等情形發生,需酌收清潔費$2000元/次起⚠️ 訂位前請詳閱訂位須知,訂位完成即表示同意**為了提供貴客完美用餐體驗,且尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,本餐廳故制定上述說明,謝謝您的理解與配合**
**【Feb. 14 DINNER】**-Serving Hours: 17:00~23:00; Dining time limit: 2hr。-Exclusive Set Menu Only, NT$5,980 per person.-Deposit: NT$1,000 per person (required to secure your booking). Guests booking online will receive a confirmation call for deposit arrangements.-Please note that a meal order is required for every child occupying a seat.[Feb. 14 Dinner Set Menu](**【2025 Lunar New Year】**Business lunch and Happy Hour are unavailable.**【Reservation Policy】**1.Reservations for the next month will open on the first day of every month via online, on-site, and telephone booking. Online booking is only open for a maximum of 4 people. To reserve a table for over 4 people, please contact us through phone calls by dialing +886 2-2345-5647. We will charge an advanced deposit for private rooms and group reservations (over 7 people).2.Seat assignment requests are unavailable. If you have a special request (e.g; wheelchair access, stroller, etc.), please contact us by email or phone call. For birthdays and anniversaries, please make a note in the Occasion section.3.After completing the booking process, you will receive an SMS message to confirm your reservation. If you want to cancel the reservation, please click the cancellation button through the link provided in your SMS message.4.Reservations are secured for 15 minutes of tardiness.5.We have a corkage fee of NTD$1000 per bottle.6.Please kindly understand that high chairs and children's utensils are unavailable.7.Please note that animals are not allowed in the restaurant (except guide dogs).8.Last order time: Sun.~Thu. 21:00; Fri.~Sat. 22:009.For more information on private rooms and special events, please visit our [website](
Vandaag 5 keer gereserveerd
High Rise Yakiniku Kaiseki Restaurant with Wagyu Lavish Fine Dining Experience in All Senses with Highest Quality WagyuWagyu 47 has a scenic view overlooking Taipei 101. Thecuisine we serve is the perfect combination of yakiniku, wagyu sushi, and Kaiseki. Menus are named after four seasons, and the seasonal dishes defines “Fine Dining with Deluxe Wagyu”. Tableside service allows the customers to immerse themselves in beautiful scenery and deliciousness, creating unforgettable memories of “Enjoying the best wagyu with special ones on any special days”