Beste restaurants voor foodies in Tamsui District
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58 restaurants beschikbaar in de buurt
您好:非常感謝您的支持與愛護12月固定週一二店休12/24、12/31特殊營業日12/19外燴去遇特殊假日店休調整請留意粉絲專頁公告以及Google餐廳資訊。營業時間為: 午餐11:30-15:00/假日16:00 晚餐17:00-22:00最後入座時間:14:00晚餐20:0012/1歡迎大家來品嚐冬季菜單🌟假日客量較大,主菜料理時間較長所以提供最受歡迎的希臘、巴黎、黎明雙人套餐季節雙人套餐約有9折優惠共有5道菜+葡萄酒、法式甜點季節飲品菜式都是季節料理一起分享3以上建議可以點套雙人餐分享或加點主菜或小點有壽星或特別慶祝可以告知我們安排⭐️12/24、12/25聖誕節12/31跨年,預收訂金一人$500/小朋友可不算EX(二人$1000)訂位的兩天前取消訂位可退回訂金或順延,留抵消費訂位當天取消不退訂金,可改天來消費折抵匯款帳號:國泰世華銀行013帳號018035052565可利用4F粉絲專頁訊息確認訂位及訂金或來電告知匯款金額及後五碼才算訂位成功為維護用餐品質等細節,本餐廳於假日期間提供之餐點為三種”雙人套餐“方案。請於訂位前詳細了解餐廳規定。在四樓每一季四個月我們會重新呈現新的菜單,這樣的時間也更符合台灣的氣候。西式料理結合台灣本地食材是我們的特色,希望帶來更多在地化的想法,本體上是台灣,特別是北岸的情調。四樓最受歡迎的雙人套餐愛在午夜希臘時套餐 這是三款套餐中最重要的一個,因為它含有最完整的手工菜與最豐富的風味,是我們本季菜單的主體,是接下來每個餐點的核心,品嚐這組套餐呈現本季的風味故事。愛在日落巴黎時這款套餐與愛在午夜希臘時時套餐,是來到四樓的老朋友們會特別點選的之一,雖然在內容上還是愛在午夜希臘時套餐更加完整,但是對於常來的老朋友提供一個可供選擇的方向,一樣都是手工菜,風味上,呈現上也很符合四樓的情調。愛在黎明破曉時這款菜單體系上是從先前介紹的兩個套餐中挑選出來。比較適合簡約吃飯的需求。餐廳注意事項:訂位需知:【兒童與幼童同行用餐須知:】1.訂位有8歲以下兒童需預先告知。訂位有兒童或幼童需預先告知人數。2.訂位有兒童或幼童,需兒童座椅或餐具,請務必預先告知年紀與餐具、安全椅等需求量。3用餐家長與協同家人或友人應擔負起兒童或幼童行動與用餐的安全責任。【寵物夥伴與同行飼主須知:】1.本餐廳為寵物“友善”餐廳,依然會有餐廳用餐相關規定請訂位用餐人務必配合。2.攜帶寵物夥伴需預先告知。為保證全體顧客的用餐品質。3寵物夥伴的心情與狀態,飼主需主動關心安撫,如發生寵物夥伴情緒激動或不斷吠叫等情況,本餐廳之工作人員會協助請飼主帶寵物夥伴外出散心穩定狀況。【桌位須知:】1.訂位桌次如有特定需求可以告知,但餐廳會依照訂位順序做安排,以維護用餐品質,維持眾位用餐人相對等的用餐權益。2.本餐廳秉持公平原則不接受用餐人自行更換桌位或現場要求。假設因個人身體健康狀況等條件,基於此本餐廳將盡力協助但不做保證。3.如損壞本餐廳相關桌椅、餐具、杯具等相關施設,理應予照價賠償。等候須知:【預訂位:】1.用餐時間以120分鐘為限。2.帶位期間請務必遵守本餐廳等候引導。3.接待人員會為用餐人詳盡說明,請耐心等候。【無訂位:】1.請依照接待人員引導現場等候。2.在無接待人員協助下,請勿自行隨意入座。用餐須知:【用餐:】1.用餐期間為體照顧每位顧客的舒適品質,務必降低談話的音量。2.請勿施展較大的肢體動作影響或造成他人的危害。3.請勿自行動手拿取、移動餐廳所有物,如有任何需要請聯絡接待人員。為維護用餐品質等細節,本餐廳於假日期間提供之餐點為三種”雙人套餐“方案。請於訂位前詳細了解餐廳規定。【用餐方式:】1.本餐廳提供之套餐為分段分道構成有節奏的用餐體驗,並非合菜式。請用餐人務必事先了解。也請尊重餐廳本身風格與特色,餐廳不根據這樣的需求做改變,訂位用餐前請務必了解清楚。用餐節奏緩慢不急促是餐廳風格,請用餐人安心、安穩用餐。如有個人用餐時間限制請事先告知,本餐廳在無預先告知的情況下有權拒接待。2.本餐廳每四個月為一季更換全新菜單3.無菜單料理、10以上含10人訂位等需求請聯絡現場接待人員。以上諸項內容為提供每位用餐人舒適與便利而設立,基本也絕對鮮少發生,然基於考量還是必須言前,感謝您耐心閱讀。#只要有我和你的餐桌每天都是一場盛大派對#多國料理北岸生活
午后的自在‧北投‧薩丁尼亞海岸線依偎著地中海蔓延,在這個島嶼上人們用最悠遊自在的態度生活著,薩丁尼亞也因此被稱為「渡假天堂」。PURE法式餐廳延續薩丁尼亞的熱情,邀請當地名廚亞歷山德羅‧塔拉斯(Alessandro Taras)與PURE法式餐廳陳之穎主廚(Vincent Chef)聯手,結合義大利薩丁尼亞最著名的精品酒莊艾吉歐拉斯(Argiolas)酒莊葡萄酒,完美呈現薩丁尼亞的迷人風情。●活動時間:2018年10月24日 晚上18:30-21:00●餐酒晚宴價格:NT$2,880+10%(10/15前預約享早鳥優惠NT$2,880)
Vandaag 4 keer gereserveerd
*Business Hours* Sunday-Thursday | Friday-Saturday 17:00~00:00 | 17:00~01:00 Last seating at 22:00 | Last seating at 23:00 Last order at 23:00 | Last order at 24:00 ?Dining time is 90 minutes, starting from the reservation time. Seats will be held for 15 minutes; if we are unable to reach you after this time, the reservation will be considered canceled, and the deposit will be forfeited. *Reservation Policy* 1. Bar seating reservations open 30 days in advance, while private rooms open 60 days in advance. Reservations are open at 2pm. 2. A deposit of NT$1,000 per person is required for reservations, and the reservation will be confirmed only after payment is completed within the specified time frame. 3. The minimum spend per person is NT$3,000, and for children, it is NT$1,500 (regardless of age, as long as they occupy a seat). ?For groups of 7 or more, the minimum spend per person is NT$4,000.? The minimum spend does not include beverages or service fees.4. Corkage fee: You can bring one bottle of your own for each bottle purchased at the restaurant. NT$800 for each 720ml bottle and NT$1,600 for each 1.8L bottle. (Charges are based on size, not type of alcohol.)*Seating Arrangements* We are a bar-style yakiniku restaurant with a 6-person table and two private rooms for 8 people. *6-Person Table Reservation* (Open Seating) Deposit: NT$6,000, Minimum spend: NT$24,000 (Beverages and service fees not included) Dining time is 2 hours.*8-Person Private Room Reservation* (Two rooms available) Deposit: NT$8,000, Minimum spend: NT$40,000 Water service fee: NT$960 (Beverages and service fees not included) Available time slots: 17:00-19:00 19:30-21:30 Dining time is 2 hours.*12-Person Large Private Room Reservation* Deposit: NT$12,000, Minimum spend: NT$90,000 Water service fee: NT$1,440 (Beverages and service fees not included) No time limit for dining.※Once the private room deposit is paid, rescheduling or cancellation is not allowed.※⚠⚠For larger groups or exclusive bookings, please message us on Facebook or call 02-2711-0179.⚠⚠ ?Canceling a Reservation? Same-day changes to reservations are not allowed. To cancel a reservation, please contact us at least 3 days before the reservation date (not including the reservation day) for a full refund of the deposit. If canceled within 3 days, only half of the deposit will be refunded. No refund for cancellations on the day of the reservation.For example: If the reservation is for 12/10 Cancel before 12/6 for a 100% refund of the deposit. Cancel between 12/7 and 12/9 for a 50% refund. No refund if canceled on 12/10.Da-Wan reserves the right to cancel or change reservations in case of unavoidable circumstances♦You are welcome to bring your own cake, and we can assist with birthday celebrations after the meal.♦ ⛔Please read and agree to the above policies before completing your reservation
Vandaag 1 keer gereserveerd
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.