THE KINGS HEAD INN, BROOKE -A warm and friendly bar, restaurant and Inn located in the quaint village of Brooke, just 8 miles from Norwich city centre. Fresh and in season is our motto, and we are proud to have a close working relationship with our very own organic family farm; Stow Park - just 8 miles from The Kings Head Inn! Our talented team of chefs work hard to bring to you the very best flavours Norfolk has to offer, and enjoy building a tasty, seasonal menu full of flavoursome dishes incorporating our very own seasonal produce.
Looking for a real Indian dining experience ? Bored of greasy & heavy Indian food ? Do you even know what real Indian food actually tastes like ? We invite you to join us at our authentic Indian, family-run restaurant & sample some of the finest Indian food Norfolk has to offer. Namaste Village is a traditional yet progressive Indian restaurant, serving vegetarian & vegan food from different regions of India, which is both healthy & delicious. The dishes on our menu are unique and developed from our own recipes. That is why they taste different and unique. Come, see for yourself & experience the spirit and spice of India.The fact of being a vegetarian restaurant should not be disappointing you. More than 70 % of our customers are not vegetarian and still this is rated as the number one Indian Restaurant in Norfolk on Tripadvisor and also featured in The Times as the 8th best curry house.