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大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。
Vandaag 2 keer gereserveerd
1. 用餐時間90分鐘,以訂位時間計算、座位保留10分鐘,逾時將視現場狀況取消或重新安排座位2. 恕無法指定座位,皆由現場服務人員安排3. 館內停車位數量有限,無法保留(先到先停、 停滿為止),請洽飯店一樓服務中心,將有專人安排4. 場地租借及包場費用於官方網站公告或來電諮詢,開瓶費200/瓶5. 壽星優惠當日8折,生日前後三天9 折,暫無提供生日蛋糕,可自行攜帶入場6. 每個月一日開放預約後兩個月訂位 EX:12/20 訂位10/1開放7. 過年期間需預付訂金,逾時未付訂金,將自動取消訂位8. 2025年1月1日起特殊節慶及連續假期恕無法使用任何優惠(包含壽星優惠),特殊節慶、連續假期不供應單點沙拉吧9. 2025年行事曆公佈假日與連續假期及特殊節慶元旦、西洋情人節、勞動節、母親節、父親節、七夕、聖誕節、跨年春節連假:1/25(六)~2/2(日)228連假:2/28(五)~3/2(日)清明連假:4/3 (四)~4/6(日)端午連假:5/30(五)~6/1(日)中秋連假:10/4(六) ~10/6(一)國慶連假:10/10(五)~10/12(日)10. 假日及連續假期早餐用餐時間最晚8:30離席
大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。
訂位前,請務必詳閱以下內容。如確認訂位,視同您了解並同意本餐廳相關規定,感謝您的耐心與體諒。【營業時間】週一、週四、週五、週六、週日晚餐營業時間:18:00-22:00 最後入席時間:19:30若超過最後入席時間,視同取消訂位,無法退還訂金,敬請見諒。每週二、週三為固定店休日,如遇特別休假日將於社群網站另行公告。若超過營業時間離席,每半小時酌收NT$1000/人加時費用。【訂位須知】●訂位僅接受Inline系統訂位,恕不接受經由社群網站私訊或來電洽詢。●包場請由社群網站私訊或電話訂位,低消含服務費$35000,不含酒水。●訂位需預付訂金NT$1000/人。完成線上訂位後,我們將於當日內傳送手機簡訊提供您訂金匯款資料。逾期未完成訂金匯款者,將無法為您保留訂位,請您務必留意。●候補訂位成功將傳送訂金匯款簡訊至您的手機,確認完成匯款即完成訂位;若未候補成功則不另行通知。●如需更改調整訂位內容,可由社群網站私訊或來電提前與我們聯繫。●若有訂位異動敬請於三日前告知(假設9/8訂位最晚須於9/5取消),如未於三日前取消或更動訂位,恕無法退還訂金。●當日訂位保留10分鐘。若您未能準時抵達,請提早來電告知我們。●同桌餐點將待賓客人數到齊後統一開餐,若需提前出餐,晚抵達者將無法提供已供應完之餐點,為確保品質亦無法打包。因餐點皆已備妥,同行者於用餐當日遲抵達,將收取全額餐費;缺席者收取全額訂金,還請留意。●恕不提供現場加位服務。已完成訂位後若需更改訂位人數,請於用餐日三天前由社群網站私訊或來電告知。 【菜單】●每人低消為一套晚間套餐。●訂位時請於備註提供食材過敏及飲食禁忌。若已訂位完成需另增加備註,最晚於用餐日前一天,可於社群網站私訊或主動來電告知,當日恕無法做任何食材更動。●可提供蛋奶素套餐,請於用餐日前三天預定。●為確保餐點品質,無提供打包及外帶服務。●餐廳保留菜單食材更動之權利。【注意事項】●為維護用餐品質及其他顧客用餐權益,僅接受國小以上兒童。請於備註告知需準備完整晚餐菜單或兒童菜單(含麵包、兩道前菜、主餐、甜點),若無主動告知將提供完整晚間套餐。包場不在此限。●自帶酒水收酒杯清潔費NT$120/個。●建議保留用餐時間約2.5-3小時。●可自備慶生蛋糕,禁帶其他外食。●恕不接受任何活動布置。●除導盲犬外,恕不接待寵物。●如用餐過程,人為損壞餐廳器皿或環境,恕需照價賠償。●因不可抗因素或意外,餐廳保留取消或更改預約之權力。L’HERBE保有更新與維護以上須知之最終權益,若有相關問題,歡迎私訊或來電洽詢,謝謝您。
Vandaag 1 keer gereserveerd
Please read the following information carefully. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.---○menu Principe-Canard Rouge NT3,380-M8 Wagyu Picanha NT$4,000○pairing-wine pairing 4 glasses NT$1,800(Exclusively featuring French wines)+ 10% service charge.---•Operating Hours: 18:30 - 21:30 •Dinner service starts at 18:30 for all guests, and the meal is served collectively•We accept online reservations up to 14 days in advance and require a deposit of NT$1,500 per person.•For bookings of more than 4 people, private events, or special requests, please contact us via private message on Facebook or Instagram.•Please allow a 3-hour dining time for the entire meal.Dietary Restrictions:- Our menu is based on fresh and seasonal ingredients, and we regret that we cannot provide detailed menu information in advance.- We only make menu changes for food allergies or religious dietary requirements.- If you have any allergies or specific dietary preferences, please specify them in the reservation notes. We will do our best to accommodate(on-site changes cannot be accepted.)- Please note that we do not offer special custom menus for gluten-free, seafood-free, all-seafood, dairy- and egg-free, or vegetarian options.Deposit:※ A deposit of NT$1,500 per person is required, and failure to pay the deposit will result in an incomplete reservation.- For guests from countries outside Taiwan who are unable to make bank transfers, PayPal can be used as an alternative payment method.- The deposit is deducted from the dining bill, and any remaining balance can be settled on the day with either card payment or cash.- For changes or cancellations, please message us on Facebook a week before your reservation date. Thank you.Minimum Consumption :- To ensure an enjoyable dining experience, we do not admit children under 8 years old.- Children aged 8 and older are treated as adults for ordering, and no menu changes are possible;their options are the same as for adults.BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) Policy:- Guests who bring their own beverages will be charged a glass cleaning fee of NT$200 per glass.- If red wine requires region-specific glassware, please inform us in advance so we can prepare accordingly.- We do not provide cleaning services for guest-provided glassware and an uncorking fee of NT$1,000 per bottle will be applied.Celebration Special:- We offer a Fresh Cream Fruit Cake(4-inch) for NT$780.- We do not provide additional services or discounts, outside cakes are not accepted . Thank you.Food Safety Considerations:- Due to food safety concerns, we regret that we are unable to provide takeout or packaging services.Exclusive Booking Event- Weekdays: NT$30,000 or above- Weekends (Fri & Sat): NT$40,000 or above(Service charges and glass cleaning fees are not included)- Maximum capacity: 12 peopleFor exclusive booking, please contact us via FB/IG private messages.Equipment Rental:-We provide a projector and screen for free(for exclusive bookings only)FB/IG: principe.tainanMAIL: principe.tw@outlook.com
光影新歐陸料理餐廳 營業時間為:星期一 至星期日,無店休午餐11:30-14:30(最後點餐時間14:00)下午茶14:30-17:00晚餐18:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間21:00)若有吃素食的朋友,請3天前訂位,謝謝!-1樓座位區-有特別喜愛沙發或靠窗座位,請於訂位時告知接聽訂位的服務人員-2樓包廂座位區-4人包廂消費需達4000元8-12人包廂消費需達10000元13-20人包廂消費需達20000元1、若有會議需求,餐廳備有布幕及投影機2、若有12人以上之訂位,請於餐宴前5天預訂- 開瓶費-葡萄酒(750ml) NT$500烈酒NT$800 。(酒款數量多則開瓶費斟酌收取)期望提供給支持我們的朋友更明確的訂位規則,以讓我們有更流暢的服務流程來服務大家!謝謝您們的支持與配合,不便之處也請見諒,期待您的光臨。
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