Das [mod] lädt Gäste aus aller Welt zu spannenden Weinen, feinen Gerichten und außergewöhnlichen Menüfolgen in den Abendstunden ein. Das alles in gehobener Gastronomiequalität, aber nicht unerreichbar, sondern vielmehr authentisch, inspirierend und mit internationalem Flair. Uns und unserem Team ist es wichtig, kein Artefakt zu schaffen, sondern einen Ort, der authentisch und mit einer spürbaren Identität geführt wird. Das [mod] soll dem Verweilen und Zeit-Vergessen, der Begegnung, dem Gespräch, der Inspiration und Lebensfreude gewidmet sein.
Chef Thorsten Lehmann and his team, including owner Sabine and Maurice Krewerth and young chefs Dawid, Marc, and Chiara, prepare fresh and innovative dishes at Ashley's. The focus is on using market-fresh, seasonal ingredients and carefully selected fish and meat products to make each dish a memorable taste experience. Seasonal ingredients and loving preparation are our top priority.Ashley's offers a variety of ways to enjoy, relax, celebrate, and host events. Our small but fine menu is supplemented daily with new, fresh specialties. The cozy restaurant atmosphere with herringbone parquet, subtle lighting, and appropriate decoration makes the evening a special experience.In the summer months, our dreamy terrace invites you to linger. On warm summer nights, you'll even forget for a moment that you're in Düsseldorf.
Enjoy a fine dining experience at Mintrops Stadt Hotel Restaurant 'M'. It has a sophisticated, comfortable setting. Mintrops Stadt Hotel Restaurant 'M' serves creatively prepared haute cuisine with Asian and Italian flair. Guests can start their meal with an appetizer of spinach gazpacho or a parmesan cream soup. A main course of smoked salmon tartare with potato pancakes, garganelli pasta with beef fillet or braised pork cheeks will tantalize the palate. Vegetarian dishes, as well as scrumptious desserts are on the menu.
Mintrops Stadt Hotel Restaurant 'M' has reviews in Der Feinschmecker. It also offers cooking classes.