1. Minimum charge for NT$300 per guest2. Dining limit for 1.5 hours3. All seats are secured for 10 minutes of tardy4. A notice in advance is appreciated if there is any food allergic5. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance6. All outside food and beverages are not allowed7. Payment: Cash, Credit card, Apple Pay
All day breakfast and brunch menu is served here. From sunrise to sunset. ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant is an international sourced, casual cafe restaurant in Taipei Performing Art Center designed by architect Rem Koolhaas. ACME means ”the best”. At here, we believe brunch and good coffee make your life a better one!完整的ACME早午餐體驗,從法式炒蛋到經典法式吐司,從日出到日落。可以選擇搭配義式濃縮,或是精選的自然葡萄酒,帶大家穿越地域隔閡,享受純正的歐式早午餐。acmetaipei.com*Online reservations are open for the next 7 days at 00:00 every day.*For reservations more than 7 people, please call +886-2-66177575 to inquire. It will be arranged according to on-site reservations. -Your reservation will be hold for 10 minutes, we will cancel the reservation without contact if you don’t show up.-Minimum order of NTD $500 / person, plus 10% service charge-Dining time 2 hours-Corkage fee NTD $600 /bottle(wine) NTD $1000 /bottle(spirits)-Non-smoking area include indoor area and terrace-No outside food or drinks-Last order 1 hour before closing-Commercial activities are prohibited -For event inquiry please email hello@acmegroup.tw-We reserve the right to cancel or modify your reservation due to the unexpected reasons