1. Minimum charge for NT$300 per guest2. Dining limit for 1.5 hours3. All seats are secured for 10 minutes of tardy4. A notice in advance is appreciated if there is any food allergic5. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance6. All outside food and beverages are not allowed7. Payment: Cash, Credit card, Apple Pay
**Welcome to Coffee Alley Online Booking System**★ Table hour is limited 90 minutes when all seats are fully occupied. ★ Minimum order is one drink per person。Child under age 6 has no minimum order★ Due to there is no table keeping time for your reservation, please provide your booking information to our staff.★ There will be no refund if the actual dining people is less than the number of people on the booking info. ★ When the actual number of people is more than the number on the booking info, please be patient while we rearrange your seats.- Waffle with fresh strawberry ice cream- Iced Fruits Tea- Ice Drip Coffee- Lobster Roll(limited)- Beef Curry Rice- Sea Salt Caramel Latte - Milk Ice Stick Cocoa
All day breakfast and brunch menu is served here. From sunrise to sunset. ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant is an international sourced, casual cafe restaurant in Taipei Performing Art Center designed by architect Rem Koolhaas. ACME means ”the best”. At here, we believe brunch and good coffee make your life a better one!完整的ACME早午餐體驗,從法式炒蛋到經典法式吐司,從日出到日落。可以選擇搭配義式濃縮,或是精選的自然葡萄酒,帶大家穿越地域隔閡,享受純正的歐式早午餐。acmetaipei.com*Online reservations are open for the next 7 days at 00:00 every day.*For reservations more than 7 people, please call +886-2-66177575 to inquire. It will be arranged according to on-site reservations. -Your reservation will be hold for 10 minutes, we will cancel the reservation without contact if you don’t show up.-Minimum order of NTD $500 / person, plus 10% service charge-Dining time 2 hours-Corkage fee NTD $600 /bottle(wine) NTD $1000 /bottle(spirits)-Non-smoking area include indoor area and terrace-No outside food or drinks-Last order 1 hour before closing-Commercial activities are prohibited -For event inquiry please email hello@acmegroup.tw-We reserve the right to cancel or modify your reservation due to the unexpected reasons
Reservation:We provide online and telephone reservations, and currently provide reservations within 3 weeks.Opening hours: Monday ~ Sunday 10:00 - 20:00,Meals are served: 10:00 - 17:30.If the number of reservations is 5 or more on holidays or national holidays,All big table seats are reserved, and a minimum consumption of $300 per person,Please call the store for reservations at 02-2311-1079.Dining rules:A. Minimum consumption of $200 per person.B. Meal time is 120 minutes on weekdays | 90 minutes on holidays.C. Do not bring outside food.D. If you have a product that you want to reserve in advance, please leave a message on "Other Remarks" and inform the product name and quantity.E. Cash, credit card, Jiekou, and Apple Pay are accepted as payment methods.
elementi | 根元咖啡館elementi 根元咖啡館座落於迪化街, 彷彿是一座時光隧道,帶您回到1920年代,與台洋庭園交相輝映。菜單以自然健康五元素為靈感,義式大稻埕早午餐包括手工麵包、新鮮蔬果、天然橄欖油、美味起司乳酪以及豐富的蛋白質。搭配上義大利葡萄酒、咖啡茶飲以及手工甜點,完美詮釋台灣與義大利待客情誼與烹飪藝術的共同熱情。無論是獨自沉浸美食,還是與摯愛共享浪漫時光,甚或與友好歡聚其樂融融,elementi 都將成為您在大稻埕珍貴時刻的記憶。elementi Italian Delielementi is located on Dihua Street, resembling a tunnel of time that transports you back to the 1920s, harmonizing with the Taiwanese-European garden.Inspired by the five elements of nature, Italian Dadaocheng brunch features handcrafted bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, natural olive oil, delightful cheeses, and abundant proteins. Paired with Italian wines, coffee and tea, as well as desserts, it perfectly embodies the shared passion for hospitality and culinary arts between Taiwan and Italy.Whether indulging in the pleasures of food alone, sharing romantic moments with a loved one, or gathering joyously with friends, elementi will become a cherished memory of precious moments in Dadaocheng.訂位相關注意事項-禁帶外食,最後點餐時間至17:30-咖啡廳全面禁菸,包含天井花園-依現場人員安排入席,恕無法指定座位-限時規定:平日不限時 | 假日限時1.5小時,訂位僅保留10分鐘-線上訂位上限4人,4人以上訂位請來電詢問,將依現場訂位情況安排-每人低消為「一杯飲品或一份餐點」無法以其他商品替代-現場禁止商業及任何影響其他用餐客人之拍攝行為-身高120公分以下孩童不列入低消計算-可攜帶小型寵物不落地,須放置於寵物提袋或推車內-如自行攜帶酒類,葡萄酒開瓶費 $300/瓶 | 烈酒開瓶費 $600/瓶-活動場地租借請來信 ask@elementi.tw-如遇不可抗因素,elementi保有取消或變更訂位之權利//部分座位僅保留現場客人,因此如欲該時段訂位已滿,建議可選擇直接前來現場//
**Welcome to Coffee Alley Online Booking System**★ Table hour is limited 90 minutes when all seats are fully occupied. ★ Minimum order is one drink per person。Child under age 6 has no minimum order★ Due to there is no table keeping time for your reservation, please provide your booking information to our staff.★ There will be no refund if the actual dining people is less than the number of people on the booking info. ★ When the actual number of people is more than the number on the booking info, please be patient while we rearrange your seats.- Waffle with fresh strawberry ice cream- Iced Fruits Tea- Ice Drip Coffee- Lobster Roll(limited)- Beef Curry Rice- Sea Salt Caramel Latte - Milk Ice Stick Cocoa
INTRO represents the prelude to the concept of an album and it also represents the finest beginning of each day. Every cup of coffee, every meal and every moment here is matched with music, allowing different melodies and their mutual tones, rhythms and textures to form a rebellious yet harmonious atmosphere, integrating the music, space and smell to create the most pleasing experience and memories at INTRO.【INTRO Sunday Limited Menu】・Only on Sunday! [Sunday Roast] is only available on Sundays while [Chorus/Main] dishes will not be sold. If you wish to have dishes on the [Chorus/Main] section, please make a reservation for days other than Sunday.Follow us on instagram: intro__kitchen【Reminders】・Reservations are held for 10 minutes and dining time is limited to 120 minutes, subject to the reservation time.・A minimum charge of $350+10% per person & a minimum charge of $500+10% per person of five or more (as seats need to be rearranged according to the party size, apologies for any inconveniences caused).・A service charge of 10% is applied.・No outside food or drinks allowed.【Regulations】・INTRO is a pet-friendly restaurant! Pets are welcomed indoors if they are placed in carriers & outdoors if they are leashed. A cleaning fee of $3000 is applied if pets defecate indoors or outdoors.・INTRO is a non-smoking restaurant, electronic cigarettes are also prohibited.・INTRO reserves the right to cancel or change reservations due to irresistible factors or accidents.・Corkage fee of $500/bottle is charged for alcohol of 750ml and with an alcohol content of 30% or less. Corkage fee of $1000/bottle is charged for alcohol with volume of more than 750ml or with an alcohol content of 30% or more.・Cleaning fee of $3000 is charged if vomiting incident occurs.・We recommend customers to order from our menu when celebrating special occasions. If customers bring outside cake to INTRO, a cake fee of $300 is applied per cake (free candles are provided). Cake cutting service is not available to outside cake.