Salatalarımız zeytinyagı, nar eksisi sosu ile servis edilmektedir. | Our salad selection serve with olive oil, pomegranate dressing.
Günün Çorbası / Soup Of The DayTRY 220,00
Çoban Salatası / Shepherds Salad / VGTRY 260,00
Yesil Salata / Green Salad / VG, NTRY 260,00
Mevsim Salatası / Season Salad / mxed greens, carrot, red cabbage, tomato / VGTRY 260,00
Yaprak Salata / “Yaprak” Salad / julienne cut tomato, cucumber, mint pepper, onion / VGTRY 260,00
Yasaklı Bahçe / Forbidden Garden / iceberg, tomato, cucumber, red radish,dry cranberry, feta cheese crumbs, fried bread, with sumac molasses dressing / G, V, NTRY 300,00
Saglıklı Tabule / Healty Tabbouleh / fine chopped parsley and coriander, quinoa, wheat bulgur, onion, domates with lemon and orange dressing / VGTRY 300,00
Kasık Salata / Spoon Salad / tomato, cucumber, pepper, onon, parsley / VGTRY 260,00
Gavurdagı Salata / Tomato, pepper, walnut, parsley, onon, pepper, spices / NTRY 280,00
Ezme Salata / Fine Chopped Fresh Tomato Salad onon, pepper / VGTRY 210,00
Tablacı Salata / Tablacı Salad / parsley, mint, onon, red pepper / VGTRY 260,00
Adana Usulü Tablacı / Adana Tablacı Salad / julienne cut parsley, mint, onion, tomato / VGTRY 260,00
Roka Salata / Arugula Salad with Tomato / VG, DTRY 260,00
Peynirli Roka Salata / Arugula Salad with Cheese / V, DTRY 300,00
Akdeniz Salata / Mesclun Salad / “Ezine” white cheese / V, DTRY 300,00
Tavuklu Salata / Chicken Salad / mesclun lettuce, cherry tomato / GTRY 620,00
Etli Salata / Beef Salad / mesclun lettuce, cherry tomato / GFTRY 780,00
Köz Patlıcan / Roasted Eggplant / VGTRY 220,00
Köz Sogan ve Sarımsak / Roasted Onion and Garlic / VGTRY 200,00
Humus / Hummus / VDTRY 220,00
Humus Pastırmal ı / Hummus with Pastrami / DTRY 320,00
Babagannus / Babagannush / eggplant, tomato, pepper / VGTRY 220,00
Içli Köfte - Adet / Kibbeh / cracked wheat ball with minced lamb, walnut onion, pepper / G, NTRY 220,00
Labne & Falafel / Labneh&Falafel garlic labne, fred falafel with tahini ranch dressing / V, DTRY 400,00
Lübnan Usulü Humus Esliginde Kuzu Kusbası / Beirut Style Hummus Lamb Lahmeh / hummus, marinated diced lamb, roasted pinenuts, paprika powder, crispy lavash / D, N, GTRY 520,00
Dilim Beyaz Peynir / Slices of Cheese / V, DTRY 140,00
Cacık / Yoghurt And Cucumber / V, DTRY 200,00
Alinazik / Eggplant Yoghurt With Garlic / V, DTRY 200,00
Tulum Tereyag / Tulum Cheese and Butter / V, DTRY 160,00
Atom Meze / Chili Garlic Yoghurt / strained yoghurt, dried red pepper, spicy oil / V, D, NTRY 200,00
Acılı Antep Ezme / Spicy Antep Ezme / tomato, onion, spicy pepper paste, walnut / VG, NTRY 220,00
Köpoglu / Eggplant Pepper Yoghurt with Tomato Sauce / V, GTRY 200,00
Saksuka / Eggplant, Pepper with Tomato Sauce / V, GTRY 200,00
Pancar / Beetroot / VGTRY 200,00
Tursu / Mix Pickle / VGTRY 200,00
Arap Cacıgı / Arabian Tzatziki / yoghurt, spinach, cracked wheat balls / G, V, DTRY 200,00
Barbunya / Kidney Beans with Olive Oil / VGTRY 220,00
Carcur / Yoghurt With Rocket Leaves, Potato, Chickpeas / V, DTRY 200,00
Muhammara / Walnut, spicy pepper paste, bread / G, VG, NTRY 260,00
Yogurtlu Semizotu / Yoghurt with Purslane / V, DTRY 200,00
Cunda Ezmesi / Cheese With Red Pepper, Walnut / V, D, NTRY 200,00
Ebruli / Labneh, Tulum and Ezine Cheese, Seasonal Fruit / V, D, NTRY 200,00
Çngen / Fried Zucchini, Red Pepper, Hazelnut, Walnut / V, NTRY 210,00
Fettah Meze / Yoghurt wth Chickpeas/ hazelnut, walnut, crispy bread / G, D, NTRY 220,00
Ege Karması / Egean Mix / sun dried tomato, parsley, cheese, red and green pepper / G, D, NTRY 240,00
Grt Ezme / Cretan Paste/ cheese, avocado, basil, rocket leaves, walnut, pistachio / V, D, NTRY 300,00
Etli Cig Kofte / 'Cig Kofte' with meat / minced raw beef, cracked wheat, tomato paste, and spices ball, served in lettuce / GTRY 280,00
Vegan Lahmacun / Oven cooked crispy “Lahmacun” thin round dough, topped with tomato, capia pepper, parsley / G, VGTRY 280,00
Vejetaryan Lahmacun / Vegetarian Lahmacun / oven cooked crspy “Lahmacun” thin round dough, topped with cheese, tomato, capia pepper, parsley / G, V, DTRY 300,00
Glutensiz Lahmacun / Gluten Free Lahmacun / GFTRY 300,00
Fındık Lahmacun / Mini Lahmacun / serve by piece / GTRY 120,00
Çıtır Lahmacun / Oven Cooked Crspy “Lahmacun” / thin round dough, topped with minced lamb, tomato, capia pepper, parsley / GTRY 360,00
Lübnan Usulü Sef Lahmacun / Oven Cooked Crspy Lebanese “Lahmacun” thin round dough, topped with minced lamb and beef tomato, capia pepper / GTRY 360,00
Adana Lahmacun (5 Adet) / (5 Pieces) / GTRY 580,00
Fındık Pide / Mini Flat Bread / oven baked mini flat bread topped with "kasar" cheese / G,D,VTRY 120,00
Kasarlı Pide / Cheese Flat Bread / topped with "kasar" cheese / G, D, VTRY 480,00
Kıymalı Pide / Oven Baked Minced Beef Flat Bread / tomato, capia pepper / GTRY 560,00
Kusbası Pide / oven baked diced beed flat bread ? GTRY 640,00
Çıtır Kanat / Oven Baked Crispy Wings / GTRY 640,00
Piliç Tava / Chicken Casserole / chicken casserole, tomato, onion, pepper / GTRY 640,00
Et Tava / Lamb Casserole / lamb casserole, julienne cut tomato, onion, pepper / GTRY 800,00
Przola Tava (5 Kalem) / Lamb Chop Casserole (5 Pieces) / tomato, onion, pepper / GTRY 1.200,00
Ana yemeklerimiz ızgara domates ve biber ile servis edilir. | Our main dishes serve with grilled tomato and pepper.
Adana Kebap (180 gr.) / Adana Kebab minced lamb kebab on skewer / GTRY 600,00
Patlicanh Kebap / Eggplant Kebab / GTRY 620,00
Domatesli Keb/ aTopmat o Kebab / GTRY 620,00
Fistikli Kebap / Pistachio Kebab / lamb kebab on skewer without spicy / G,NTRY 680,00
Yogurtlu Kebap / Yoghurt With Kebab / “Adana” kebab served on lavash bread, yoghurt, warm butter / G,DTRY 660,00
Sarma Kebap / Roll Kebab / minced lamb kebab, wrapped in tomato sauce lavash bread /G,D,NTRY 660,00
Kuzu Külbastı / Lamb Cutlet / marinated pounded lamb cutlet / GTRY 660,00
Sef Et Spesiyal / Chef Special / lamb tenderloin serve on sumac onion / GTRY 660,00
Kuzu Çöp Sis / Mini Lamb Skewers / mini cube cut lamb and fat on skewers / GTRY 620,00
Kofte / Grilled Meatballs / potato cips, rice / GTRY 650,00
Kuzu Sis / Lamb Skewers / GTRY 660,00
Kuzu Ciger / Lamb Liver / lamb liver and fat on skewer / GTRY 660,00
Ustad Kebap / Master Kebab / minced lamb kebab wrapped in lamb cutlet / GTRY 720,00
Kaburga (6 kalem) / Lamb Rib (6 Pieces) / GTRY 680,00
Sushi Kebap / Sushi Kebab / Eggplant and minced lamb kebab wrapped in lavash bread, yoghurt, tomato sauce, pistachio, butter / G, D,NTRY 700,00
Simit Kebabi / Simit Kebab / minced lamb "Adana" kebab, wrapped in thin phyllo dough / GTRY 700,00
Yogurtlu Kéfte / Meatballs with yoghurt / meatballs with Yoghurt / G,DTRY 620,00
Fellah Kebabi (250 gr.) / Fellaheen Kebab / minced lamb kebab on skewer / GTRY 720,00
Saghk / Shashlik / beef tenderloin skewer, marinated in milk cream, spices, onion / G,DTRY 880,00
Erdal Et / Chef Erdal Lamb Special saddle of lamb on skewer / GTRY 780,00
Kuzu Pirzola (4 kalem) / Lamb Chops (4 Pieces) / GTRY 880,00
Kiisleme / Grilled Lamb Loin /GTRY 950,00
Lokum / Grilled thin slices beef tenderloin, sauteed tomato, pepper, carrot, mushroom / GTRY 950,00
Kiymali Alinazik / Minced Alinazik Kebab / minced lamb kebab in casserole, eggplant, yoghurt, garlic /G,DTRY 660,00
Etli Alina/ zAliinakzi k Kebab with meat / thin slices of lamb casserole, eggplant, yoghurt, garlic / G,DTRY 780,00
Tavuklu Alinazik / Chicken Alinazik / chicken “Alinazik” in casserole, eggplant, yoghurt, garlic / G,DTRY 560,00
Tavuk Kanat / Chicken Wings / GTRY 560,00
Tavuk Sis / Chicken Skewers / grilled chicken thigh on skewers / GTRY 560,00
Tatlı çesitlerimiz kaymaklı dondurma ile servis edilmektedir. | Our dessert selection serve with “kaymak” clotted cream ice cream.
Katmer / Oven Baked “Katmer” / phyllo pastry with clotted cream, sugar, pistachio / G,D,NTRY 450,00
Simit Katmer / Oven Baked Round Shaped “Katmer” / phyllo pastry with clotted cream, sugar, pistachio / G,D,NTRY 580,00
Findikh Kadayif / Baked Hazelnut “Kadayif” shredded angel hair, pistachio, milk syrup, tropped hazelnut / G,D,NTRY 450,00
Kiinefe / Kunefe / baked shredded angel hair with "Hatay" cheese, syrup, pistachio / G,D,NTRY 450,00
Kabak / Pumpkin Dessert / baked pumpkin dessert, walnut, “tahini”, syrup / D,N,VTRY 400,00
Fistikli irmik / Semolina “Halva” / pistachio, semolina, sugar milk, butter / G,D,NTRY 400,00
Kisi Basi (KDV dahildir, servis ticreti dahil degildir)
Per Person (VAT included, service charge not included)